Monday, March 26, 2012

Ouch!...wish I had an ice pack!

Ok... so when I need an ice pack it seems they are all being used or thawed out or better yet,,,missing:/
I found on Pinterest last night, a recipe to make your own! SWEET!
1 gallon sized ziplock
Original Blue DAWN dish soap
Rubbing Alcohol

In the Ziplock bag mix one part alcohol to 3 parts water. 5 drops of blue dawn is just for color. it the bag pops or leaks it wont stain fabrics.(you could also leave it clear) MAKE SURE YOU LABEL THE BAG! And freeze! Voila!

Exciting Things in My future...

As much as I love being at home with my son, it doesnt pay the bills! I have an interveiw for a preschool teacher tomorrow, and my son will be old enough to start the infant learning classes in the same biulding. So he would be close to me. That would be ideal! Plus I am in the process of starting my own online business! more on that to come! please keep me in your prayers mommas! Big things headed my way:D

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Freezer is your friend!

I am learning that i make things way harder on my self than they need to be! :/ I read a blog( im a big fan of hers) The Peaceful Mom ahd she has a post about freezing foods and left overs and meals in single serving sizes so you can have a quick dinner or lounch. Psh why didnt I think of that?! So tomorrow is Saturday! Grocery Haul day:) So when I get home guess who will be dividing everything out and freezing in single/meal size servings. This Momma:) Coupons here I come, because I am going to be doing some extra stocking up this week:) Have a beautiful day mommas!

<3 Maranda

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Coupons! Coupons!

Good Evening Mommas:)
Went to walmart yesterday( shopping). Not my best haul but not too bad! Spent $80 out of pocket, the total bill was $102.56. saved $22.56. not terrible! Moms bill I saved only $20. I only clip coupons for stuff we use and need! I usually give away or donate ones i have left that i don't need! If you don't already, buy All magazine(walmart) every month! It is chuck full of coupons! Also, I found a new freebies website that I love!! Its amazing! I just got a bunch of freebies in the mail! So cool! Who doesn't love free!
Sorry i have had a sick baby this past week so i haven't posted. I know I am terrible about keeping up!
My sister is on spring break this week so I will have tons of help with some DIY projects and some new recipes! :)
Have a great night!

Monday, February 27, 2012


This past week has been crazy! So so busy! I havnt had time to do the supply haul or any tutorials, and for that i am sorry! I have decided that since my little one is starting to get active and will be mobile soon I am going to do posts on Mondays and Tuesdays! That way you know what days to expect them and i can set time aside on those days to write new posts! Are there any requests for recipes, tutorials, and other things that you would like to see? Leave a comment and invite your friends to read:D

<3 Maranda

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hello Ladies! How is everyone today? I am working on the "cookbook"! Who is gunna take it home?

I will be doing a supply haul either tonight or tomorrow! Plus a grocery shopping trip, too! Cleaned out the fridge last night, now there is nothing to eat! I am a coupon junkie and I LOVE AD MATCH @ Walmart:)
I save so much money by doing them! I will post my list, coupon savings, ad match savings and a total of everything I bought this evening! Hope you have a great day:)

P.S. Does anyone else have a cranky baby today??

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Ok Ladies! Here is the deal! If you can promote my blog with me and I cant get 50 followers by March 15th, I will be giving a Naturally Homemade recipe and cookbook away! Thats right! A free book with recipes and ideas for natural, easy homemade products! What do you say ladies? Who wants the book?!?!?!!?!?